Thursday, December 27, 2012


As 2012 slowly comes to an end it is not yet the end of the world. Let's close the year with a small bang & take a look at Kabaya's DX version of Fortress Maximus!

The box itself is slightly larger that your usual Kabaya kit. Like previous Kabaya waves, this set also comes in a box of three.

The first kit assembles to form the body of Fort Max. Along with the kit are the two blasters and Autobot Windcharger.

As per the instruction manual, the upper half of the body can be raised to form a launch platform for Windcharger. There is a lever at the lower back that you can flip, to launch the car down the ramp.

Here's another view of the first kit above. Windcharger's transformation is very simple & the stickers certainly make the kit more lively.

Next, we move on to the second box.

This kit includes the left arm & leg. What's the ramp doing all the way up at the top of the building? Is it supposed to be an aerial runway? God knows. In case you're wondering, the little dude standing next to the base is Cerebros.

Let's take a closer look at Cerebros.

Finally, the third box.

Besides Powerglide, I believe most of our eyes will be glued to the Master Sword. The base mode is fairly simple & the positioning of the ramp looks more appropriate this time around. I wonder what the sword is supposed to do, an electrical conductor for the base?

Powerglide on the other hand doesn't just transform, you have to unplug both the arms and reposition them in another way to form the wings of the plane.

At last, once you have combined all the three kits together Fort Max is finally surfacing. The kit sits in base mode fairly identical to the actual Fort Max. The only thing different that I can mention is that this kit doesn't come with the radar dish that sits right at the middle of the base.

In vehicle mode, Fort Max always reminds of SDF-1 (Super Dimension Fortress) from the Macross/Robotech series.

Behold, Fortress Maximus! Although currently I only own Brave Maximus, the Korean version of Fort Max, I'd say that that the manufacturers have done a great job in making this kit almost identical to its predecessor.

Here's Fort Max wielding the Master Sword.

This is what happens when you piss Fort Max off. You better find a hiding place before this dude blasts you to oblivion.

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