Monday, October 22, 2012


It was one of those weeks that you're just itching to pick something up but there's nothing really nice on the shelves. Since I am not a fan of the Seekers, this is the first time in all the three Transformers movie trilogy that I picked up a Seeker.

Here's a top view of Thundercracker. This mold has been used by Hasbro/Takara since the second Transformers movie toy line. There is a slight difference as compared to the first movie because back then, Starscream came in voyager mold.

Thundercracker comes with two weapons. One is in the form of a gun blade and the other is a MechTech chainsaw. The chainsaw is actually a repaint weapon of the previously released Autobot Roadbuster.

There are slight differences in transformation if compared to the Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) Seekers. However once I've transformed this bot, it struck me as to why I never purchased any of the Seekers from the movie trilogy previously. Don't they all look like a flying chicken to you?

Anyway, both the weapons can be tucked at the back of Thundercracker.

Being a flying chicken, there is not much room for articulation as you can see.

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