Monday, July 9, 2012


A couple of years ago Takara manufactured a new Soundwave mold that actually works as an MP3 player. This new series of toy was classified under Music Label. As sneak peaks of the mold were slowly surfacing on the internet, we soon realized that Soundwave requires a miniSD card to work. On top of that, you could only use a maximum 1GB sized card for it to work.

Here's how Soundwave looks like in the player mode. He is made of matte plastic and you have to be careful when handling so as not to scratch it.

The button on his shoulder opens up the chest panel for you to slide in the miniSD card. 

Like previous predecessors this guy has identical transformation steps. However, do be careful when flipping his legs out. You want to make sure that you don't rub off the paint. The joints on my Soundwave is quite tight and i find it difficult at times when trying to flip the back legs out.

Once fully transformed, you can attach his shoulder rocket launcher and blaster on. His knee joints are rather weak and you have to tweak his legs apart just a little for him to stand upright.

On a lighter note, I'm sure you notice by now that some of our female counterparts love to attach an ear plug peg on their mobile phones as a fashion accessory. Well, why not do it with Soundwave's rocket launcher instead!

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