Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Many years ago at about 2004, this was my Gundam Collection. As you can see, the bulk of it were Super Deformed (SD) Gundams. I hope to go into detail individually reviewing the Gundams, as with all my other toys in the near future. Stay tuned!


  1. Wow! You have so many Gundams too! :D

    Btw, I know this is 'Gundam section'....but how many TFs do you have? (as in pieces/figures)

    Have you heard of the website called shmax.com?
    If not, you can try it and use it to 'log in' all the TFs in your collection keep track of them (can track the prices, and also there's a ranking system - see how you compare to over 2,000 other collectors worldwide :) The no.1 guy on the board there has over 4,000 TFs (and its merchandises) @_@

  2. Hey OW, Thanks for the tip. Yes, currently I track my collection via excel. 4k TFs that's a a lot! I only have just over 500 units, excl accessories and merchandise. Will check it out soon mate!
