Saturday, March 30, 2013


This is the latest toy from Kabaya that comes in a set of three. First let's take a look the vintage Dai Atlas. This robot came out in Japan during the early 90's, under the series known as Zone.

In the cartoon animation, Dai Atlas took over Star Saber to lead the Autobots.

The first mode, we see Dai Atlas in the form of a huge aircraft. Personally, it looks more like a huge tank with wings & a sharp nose.

Dai Atlas can also transform into a land assault vehicle. The cannon on top actually comes from Sonic Bomber's kit which I will review in my next post.

Other angles of the assault tank.

Next, we take a look at Dai Atlas in its full grandeur in robot form.

Here, we see that that stickers have done a great  job in bringing this piece to life. They are easy to apply but do be careful as they may peel off over time. What I usually do is to apply a translucent payer of glue on the sticker to keep them in place for a longer period of time.

With some help from accessories in Sonic Bomber & Road Fire's kit, Dai Atlas is now equipped with his shield & blade. The Z blade comes with Road Fire's kit while the mini gun turret & blue ramps come from Sonic Bomber's set.

Since it this toy line has been discontinued long ago. Getting hold of Dai Atlas has been the dream of many collectors like myself. Due to the sky high prices of mint conditioned toys, perhaps the next best thing is to get hold of this Kabaya set to quench our thirst for collection.

Lastly, we take a look at Dai Atlas in base mode.

The kit & pieces snap together nicely to form this simple yet amazing structure. The mini, Micromaster Speeder that comes from Road Kire's makes as a nice display together with the Dai Atlas Base.

Stay tuned for my upcoming posts on the remaining two Zone robots & how they combine together to form the mighty Big Powered.

Related links: Road Fire

Related links: Sonic Bomber

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


One of the few Seekers from the Generations line, let's have a closer look at Dirge.

Dirge is one of the few Seekers that doesn't follow the mainstream mold of Starscream.

Both top & bottom views of Dirge. The chest flips out to form landing gears.

A close up shot of Dirge.

View of Dirge in different angles.

Overall the figure is very sleep & there is no complaints to the paint job, articulation or transformation process. I've not taken pictures of Dirge with the missiles as they're tucked together with the other stash of missiles from other Transformers figures.

If you're a Seeker fan, don't miss out on this figure. In my country, not many people are interested in this figure as they were going at clearance price.

Friday, March 22, 2013


I picked this bot up from a flea market in loose condition. Hence, I had to find its name & then check on transformed images just to make sure I transformed this robot correctly.

The name Dune Runner is clearly symbolic to the vehicle mode of this robot which comes in the form of a desert buggy.

Here's a close up of the robot mode.

Transformation wasn't much of a problem. The two guns that rests on Dune Runner's shoulders can be moved about.

Overall, articulation is fairly limited but I'm fine with the way this bot turned out. Nevertheless, this won't be on display in my shelf due to lack of space.

Monday, March 18, 2013

GN-0000 00 GUNDAM

My, my, a Gundam that has four zeros for a mobile suit number that goes by the name of 00 Gundam, from the same series.

Being an Entry Grade kit, there isn't a lot of pieces for assembly. Thankfully they do provide some stickers to keep the figure looking more lively.

You'll see that Entry Grade kits only look good from the front. Most of these kits are hollow at the back. However I'm sure kit-bashers out there have a way of sealing the gaps at the back to make the model kits look better.

00 Gundam comes with the GN Sword II.

There isn't much you can do about articulation, but this kit serves well as a display unit among other 1/144 scaled Gundams.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


This limited edition Collector's Club Angela, also known as Blue Angela dates back to sometime in 1995 from Mc'Farlane's Spawn Series 2.

Here's various angles of Blue Angela. She comes equipped with a sword & a staff.

Being one of the early Spawn series toys, there is detail on the toy but they still lack in articulation as compared to the newer series.

Here's Blue Angela with her staff.

The staff has a launching mechanism that fires a small projectile.

Lastly, this is Blue Angela fully equipped and ready for war.