Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Opportunity came when one of my local toy stores restocked this beauty at an offer that I just couldn't resist. Knight Morpher (KM-03) Cyclops comes at a steep price point of your typical high end Transformers Masterpiece. In vehicle mode this behemoth comes in the form of a vintage steam ship. The paint work on KM-03 has a slightly metallic finish so you want to be careful when handling this toy, as not to chip off any paint by accident.

Being a third party product, mainstream manufacturers such as Takara & Hasbro would not approve of the design because of certain sharp edges.

This steam ship is slightly over a foot long, with two small pegs at the bottom of the boat that keeps the vehicle up right when posing it.

Here's a closer look at the two pegs mentioned earlier. Do be careful with it as mine came broken when I opened the box up. If you take a closer look, you can see the faint crack line as I've glued them back together with contact cement.

There are quite a number of play factors & detail given to this toy so let's take a closer look. Both the cannons can be rotated 360'.

Here's the side of the left hull.

There is a door that you can open, to store the anchor for the boat. The image on the right shows the connecting point where the anchor gets attached onto. The anchor may be stored in the compartment but I doubt you can keep it attached at the same time. I gave up after numerous attempts to store the anchor while connected to the boat.

Here's the anchor & how it looks when you connect it to the ship.

Here's another fun part to KM-03. At the front of the boat, you may open the doors and launch a mini submarine out of it.

Based on the comic that comes with the toy, the mini-sub is actually Shockwave, not the huge steam ship. This huge behemoth is actually a cyclops drone that was created because Shockwave felt inferior & threatened by his size as compared to other bots.

Here's a closer look at the mini-sub.

The mini-sub stands slightly smaller than a typical legend class figure, but if very detailed. The transformation process is somewhat a simplified version of the huge ship.

More images of the mini-sub.

Even though the sub stands just under a few inches, the figure is very poseable.

Now, let's take a look at this huge baby of mine.

After a painstaking process of transformation, here's the outcome. You wouldn't believe it but I got stuck at step two of the transformation process. I was afraid to apply too much pressure when opening the lower hull of the ship.

A closer look at the torso of Cyclops.

The side view.

Here we see that the anchor can be attached onto the back of Cyclops when not used as a weapon.

A close-up of different parts of Cyclops showing the detail of this toy.

Here's where the anchor attaches onto the left arm to be used as a long whip.

Although this toy is huge & sturdy when it comes to posing, you'll be surprised how light Cyclops actually is. It's just a phobia for me when the toy doesn't really weight what it looks, to be taking extra precaution when handling the toy.

Both bots posing together.

Various other poses.

An image that I found online shows the concept sketch of KM-03. In comparison to the finished product, I've give them a salute for a job well done.

Here's another image I found, showing the number of pieces used in constructing this huge ship. When you think about the effort that third party companies put in, you'd be amazed at their outcome. KM-03 is one great example.

I just thought of assembling them together since these toys depict the same Iron Age. The vintage train is actually KM-01 Commander, while the plane is Ransack from the Transformers Dark of The Moon series.

We hope you enjoyed this review. Stay tuned in the near future to see if I'm able to get my hands on KM-05 Screecher (vintage Starscream) & the almighty Terminus Hexatron (Sixshot).

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