Tuesday, December 3, 2013


November was an amazing month for me & I'll tell you why in just a bit.

A couple of months ago I started to keep track of my hauls on a monthly basis & this has become sort of a routine for me, & a good one in fact. At least I can keep track & remember what I have bought for the whole month. Believe me, I actually missed out 2 items in the midst of compiling this list. So anyway, here are the things I have recently purchased.

I picked up my second MP-02 Acid Storm because it was going on sale in Toys R Us. I intend to keep this second unit in MISB condition & will probably sell it off or trade it away in the near future. Then, I picked up 3 few accessories to be used as add-on for my toy shootings. The first was a Heavy Weapons Unit Spiral Crusher from Kotobukiya. The other 2 items are custom diorama effects from LBX series.

Next, Sandstorm came at a bargain at Tesco (surprisingly), followed by an unreleased limited run Nike Calvin Johnson Megatron which uses the current IDW Megatron/Dradwing mold. The only difference about this version is that the feet has mini red crosses "+" for design & the figure also comes with a purple American football which bears both the Nike & Decepticon logo. On the front left chest of Megatron, you will see the signature of Calvin Johnson that looks like a kid scribbling a couple of 'zeros' repetitively. From the same seller on eBay, I also managed to pick up an exclusive Gari-Robo Kun (Grape) version later on last month. This transformable ice-cream is actually still in the midst of being shipped to me.

Unexpectedly, both the rare Transformers Go! arrived on my shore last month. Gekisoumaru Kurojishi Ver., is the black version of the purple lion that I have yet seen in retail & there is also the Kenzan Kuromusha Ver., of the previously launched blue police car. At the same time, I picked up the Guren Dragotron which is basically the recolored version of ultimate class Beast Fire Predaking that comes in orange. The main difference on Dragotron is the transparent red wings that may not be that obvious in pictures that you may have seen.

Then, I also picked up a Roadbuster Ultra Magnus, which is part of my ongoing Elite Guard project. I have yet to decide whether I should custom it or leave it as it is.
Since the local Aeon store was having a sale, I picked up the Alex Hunter Armor with Breakdown, to further expand my base diorama in the future. I need more Decepticon bases to be combined together, before they become outnumbered by the Autobot forces.

Sometime in August, I pre-ordered 3 sets of Knock-Off FansProject Causality Insecticons. 1 for me & 2 for a friend, so please don't be alarmed at the 9 set of figures. The toys finally arrived & I must say that the quality is actually pretty good. I'll definitely post a review on the in the future.

Last month, I also spotted a knock-off G1 Thunder Clash. Not only the original G1 mold is hard to come by these days in good condition, but how often do we come across or hear about the knock-off version. I was initially skeptical & did some homework before clicking on the item on eBay. Besides being a rare knock-off, besides being curious about the quality of it, I didn't mind getting this because i'm actually killing 2 birds with 1 stone. The trailer can compliment my Wings of Honor Thunderclash (Energon Rodimus repaint), & also open up into a base for my base collection diorama!

Towards the end of the month, I paid Tesco another visit & found myself a complete set of Cyberverse figures to complete Abominus from the Beast Hunter series. Along with that, I claimed some promotional stickers for 2 of the following bobble-heads. Apparently you can press the feet up to reveal a pen in each of the figures.

The downside to these figures is that they are all sealed & randomly packed. However I spoke to the gentleman nicely & they were kind enough to rummage through the packaging to get me what I wanted. I asked for Captain America & Woody. To my surprise I'm actually quite impressed because even if you open the box up, each of these figures are sealed in a black bag. Being the experts themselves, they had to rely on 'feeling' which was the right toy.

While catching up for drinks with some collectors, I stumbled upon the ThunderCats Sword of Omens & I managed to get a good price for it at the flea market. I have been eying this toy for over a year since it came out, but I wasn't willing to pay retail price for it knowing that this toy is being thrown at dirt cheap prices in the States. But opportunity came & I thought of getting it, to have a little recollection of my fun childhood memories.

Lastly, I want to share my GREATEST Transformers haul to date. I present to you one of the Holy Grails, the almighty Black Zarak!

This figure is in mint condition & I wont it over a bid on Ebay. The condition was loose, but it's in great shape. The chrome on the chest is fantastic & the paint job on the face was in awesome condition. However curious you may be, I won't tell you how CHEAP I bought this item from Japan. It is truly a holy grail indeed.

However once I shared my haul upon arriving in my hands, some close collectors asked about a 'GPS'. This term was new to me & after researching further I found out what it means. GPS stands for Gold Plastic Syndrome. It's a syndrom that occurs only to some old toys & it doesn't mean that this syndrome happens to toys that came in golden bronze mold. It's just the name. When I inspected the toy at first glance, I dare say it was 'perfect', not a single dent, or any signs of fragility or stress marks. I was convinced that this Black Zarak has only been touched by very few hands.

However, after fiddling with the toy a few more times, the connector that holds chrome chest popped off. I had to fix the part back with super glue. It looks fine from the front & the small glue park is only obvious if you at the toy closely at the sides. Another GPS syndrome occurred when I was packing the figure & tucking it into my throne room when I discovered a small flat golden piece on the floor. I got frantic & finally discovered the missing piece to be part of the leg. Thankfully, after gluing this peice back on, it's in no way obvious at all due to the shape & position of the chipped-off piece. Although I paid pennies for this figure (Believe me, i know alot of people would pay a bomb for this), I'm thankful that the GPS syndrome only occurred in strategic spots. If I paid a whole lot more for this toy, I'd probably be having a major rampage by now.

If you want to know my upcoming plans, remember the KO Megazarak I bought in October? I'm arranging for a friend of mine to customize the parts to compliment Black Zarak. All i need to do from there is to hunt for the sacred Very-Hard-To-Find red spear (not important to me), & the face plate (negligible since I intend to display it in robot mode).

With that, I'll leave you with a hilarious image of myself with all 3 versions of Scorponok on top of me. (Megazarak, KO Megazarak & Black Zarak). Until then, thanks for constantly following my posts. Cheers.

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