Friday, July 12, 2013


When I first saw the prototype mold of Steel Core by Fansproject, I wasn't too interested in this character. It was just before the launch of this figure that some of my friends mentioned that this is a rare gem & an exclusive figure that I decided to grab hold of it. 

In vehicle mode, Steel Core looks like a futuristic assault truck. In many ways, I feel that there is a resemblance to Ultra Magnus due to the smoke stacks at the side of the vehicle.

If you take a closer look at the images above, you'll see there is a peg, where a trailer could be attached to it somehow. I've seen a couple of teaser images of the trailer where it's suppose to be carrying additional Corers. Let's just wait & see what Fansproject has installed for us.

The cockpit opens up to reveal Corer. The figure fits nicely in the driver seat.

Here's a closer look at Corer.

Corer bears resemblance to the G1 Powermasters where the figure transforms into an engine to be attached onto the larger bot. Although this figure is rather small, don't be fooled as Corer is very poseable.

A side to side comparison between Corer & G1 Eject.

The fusion between Steel & Corer to form Steelcore.

This is Steelcore in robot mode. I can't say that I'm a fan of this figure but I have to admit that I'm happy to own one since so many people have been looking for this figure.

The plastic on this figure is very light, as though it is made of cheap material. However, the quality is impeccable. It's a pity the smoke stacks are bloody obvious in robot mode. It would have been better if there was a way to tuck it to the sides, making Steelcore a little more aerodynamic & sleek.

Steelcore's primary weapon is a battle axe that can also be turned into a blaster. The should flips open to reveal a stash of micro missles to be hurled at unexpected enemies.

Among other shots of Steelcore so show how flexible this figure is. To sum it up, I'll be leaving this bot on my shelf for display, alongside my Warbot Defender & Assaulter.

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