Saturday, May 25, 2013


From the third transformers movie Dark of The Moon, this is the Autobot Ark. It was the escape spaceship that the Autobots used, to leave Cybertron just as they were being attacked by the Decepticons.

Different views of the Ark. There is a golden button at the side of the cockpit that you can see from here. Press it & you'll get some lights & sounds coming out of this ship.

As we take a look at the front cockpit of the spacecraft, this set comes with Autobot Roller.

The ship opens up and transforms into a base. Each part of the base has been installed with a couple of play factors. Roller stands watch on top of the tower.

These are the overall views of the base before looking at the different parts in detail.


On the left side of the base, there is a medic bed & a repair arm to fix battle damaged Autobots.

Behind the gun turret, you'll see a cage that's supposed to be a prison where you can fit in captured Decepticons.

In front of the base there is a ramp. There are two golden buttons at the side of the ramp. The left button actually raises up the back ramp to roll one of your toys down while the right button activates the light & sound for the ship.

Here's the gun turret previously mentioned.

The last detail of the ship, on the right we see the teleporting portal. This is what the Decepticons were after. Once they acquired the teleporting pillars, they could activate the space bridge to summon reinforcements from Cybertron to destroy planet Earth.

Now let's see what Roller can do.

In vehicle mode, Roller is supposed to be a space exploration drone. The front arms can bend around easily.

Here's roller in robot mode.

Roller is quite flexible in robot mode. However this skinny robot may topple at times due to improper weight distribution. The right arm is a lot heavier than the normal sized left arm.

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